Called to Create, Commissioned to Go

Hey friends and family,

The past few months have been nothing short of a whirlwind. From launching Kekel Studios publicly to spending three weeks in Brazil, every moment has been filled with purpose, challenge, and incredible breakthrough. This year, our word is Commissioned—Called to Create, Commissioned to Go, and I’ve been seeing that unfold in ways I never could have planned. Kekel isn’t just an idea anymore; it’s a movement that’s coming to life in real-time. And I can’t wait to share some of the incredible stories from this journey with you.

The Kekel Story Unfolds

One of the most defining moments from this last trip happened with one of our future interns. When we first met, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be a part of the program—he didn’t think he was capable. He had never used creative tools before, never touched the programs we would be using, and in his mind, that meant he didn’t belong. But I saw something in him, and I knew we had to start somewhere. So I told him, “Let’s just try. No pressure. Let’s do two weeks of lessons and see what you think.”

The very next day, we sat down with an iPad and Procreate. He had never even held an Apple Pencil before, so we started with the basics—just getting comfortable with the tool. Within an hour, something incredible happened. He wasn’t just figuring it out—he was creating. His confidence started growing right in front of me. By the end of the day, he had already made up his mind: he wanted to be part of Kekel. He even designed something for a future merch product!

And then came another moment I’ll never forget—meeting his mom. It was a significant step, because she didn’t know who I was, and there was a real element of fear there. Her children had been taken from her before, and trust wasn’t something she could afford to give lightly. But as we talked, I told her what I had told her son months earlier—that God had spoken to me about him last summer. That he is a leader, that he has purpose, and that there was a bigger story God was writing in his life.

She shared with me that she had felt unseen, unheard—like God had forgotten her. She was still fighting battles, trying to get two of her other children back, and had lost hope. But in this moment, she realized God had been moving all along. Then something even more unexpected happened—she invited me to her home. In a neighborhood where outsiders are rarely welcomed in, she opened her doors to me. Inside, I was able to see 2 of her other children, who were home on visitation from the orphanage, and we prayed together as a family. It was a moment of restoration, of faith rekindled, and of the power of God’s presence in a place where hope had been running thin.

Merch Drop Coming Soon!

We’ve also been busy designing new merchandise! In February, we created a couple of hats that will go on pre-sale in March, so be on the lookout for those. Plus, we’re releasing a special shirt based on the Bible verse that Kekel is founded on: Habakkuk 2:2. I can’t wait to share these with you!

Partner With Us

This year, Kekel Studios is stepping boldly into its mission—Called to Create, Commissioned to Go. This calling comes with both challenges and exciting steps of faith. Financially, there are three major areas of need as we prepare for launch:

  • Start-Up Costs While in the U.S. ($30,000) – These include ongoing administrative costs, building the program foundation, and preparing for the move to Brazil.

  • One-Time Expenses – This includes moving expenses, legal fees for the visa process, and initial setup costs for Brazil.

  • Operational & Launch Costs – Once in Brazil, we will need to cover rent for a building, housing for five students, and necessary equipment to run the program effectively.

In order to fully launch Kekel Studios we need to raise $250,000. Would you consider becoming a monthly partner or making a one-time donation? Every gift moves us closer to equipping and empowering these teens to step into their creative potential and find new hope for their future.

If you’re interested in partnering with us financially, you can donate here. Your generosity is what makes this mission possible!

Visa Process Update

I’m currently in the middle of the visa process and would love your prayers for favor with the government to approve my permanent visa. This is a critical step in making the move to Brazil happen this year!

Stay Connected!

Make sure you’re following us on Instagram, and keep an eye out for our new YouTube channel and TikTok, launching in March! There’s so much more to come, and I can’t wait to bring you along for the journey.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement! This is just the beginning, and I’m so grateful to have you on this journey with me.

With love and gratitude,
Rachel Heisel
Founder & CEO, Kekel Studios